Whenever you go for Umrah or Hajj, being Muslim, you want to stay as close to the holiest palace as close you can. Zowar International distance from Haram is hardy 150 meters which makes it one of the best choices for the Muslims coming to Madinah for Hajj or Umrah. Being at the heart of the city, Zowar International Medina is close to the main attractions in the city of Madinah. Sasta Umrah booking often offers you the stay at Zowar International Medina because it is close to the Masjid Nabi.
No matter at which time of the day you enter the hotel, you will be welcomed warmly by the hotel reception desk. This reception desk is also the 24 hours service desk from where you can get various services on request. All the rooms in Zowar International Medina Hotel are equipped with modern amenities and facilities like LED TV, cable with different national and international channels, a minibar, and safe box as well.
Apart from room amenities, there’s Wi-Fi available in every part of the hotel, including terrace and lobby. One of the major attraction that brings Zowar International booking is the business center within the hotel premises from where you can get various services like money exchange. There’s also a coffee shop within the hotel where you can have different types of coffee or tea as per your mood. Zowar International Medina also offers you free parking services, but for that, you will have Zowar International reservations in advance.
If you see Zowar International map, you will find this hotel at the ideal location of the city. The primary objective and destination for which you are in Madinah are definitely Masjid Nabi which is hardly at the distance of 150 meters. So Zowar International distance from Haram is the major attraction for this hotel. Other major attractions like Jannat-al-Baqi is merely at the distance of five minutes’ walk, Majid Quba – another holiest place in Medina is at the distance of almost 4 km and JabalUhud is hardly five kilometers away from the Zowar International Medina Hotel.
Apart from the sacred places, you can find the old Medina Bazar at the distance of only 300 yards where you can observe the traditional culture of the city of Medina. For crazy shopping people, there are some big shopping malls like Mazay Mall, Median Mall and Al Noor Mall at the distance of merely 3 km. Moreover, the good news is that Shah Abdul Aziz International Airport with just 10 minutes’ drive away from Zowar International. You can consult Zowar International Median map to find out more attractions in the surroundings of the hotel.
Sasta Umrah Booking always tries to give its clients a comfortable experience so that people may perform Umrah with a sense of comfort and peace. Keeping in view the comfort element, Sasta Umrah offers your stay at Zowar International Median Hotel so that you may remain close to Masjid Nabi and get your thirst to see the green tomb filled.
We Sasta Umrah make you sure that if you chose us as your Umrah Agent then you will feel the difference of services we offer. Look into our Umrah Packages 2018 and select anyone which suits you. If still need help then just contact Sasta Umrah Team, we are always here to help you.
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